Dark Paranormal

Check out this new cover of Crimson Night by Marie Hall!

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So you have seen the cover of Crimson Night before…



But check out this new cover that Marie Hall gave Crimson Night:

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Excerpt: Wunder (#3 Teamwork) by A.R. Von

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Wunder Excerpt

So, AR Von posted an excerpt of the third book of the Wunder Series, Teamwork

Source: https://www.facebook.com/Wunderseries

 We arrive at the facility, which I found out is also known as the ‘official’ RIP test center, fairly quickly with the three of us practically running the entire track here. Pete, Tank and I are forced into our first authorized mission as a trio. Apparently there were more than five infected that escaped while I was visiting with my mother. One more to be exact and he’s missing, hiding somewhere in the facility wreaking havoc in every area he goes to. 

According to the security team that’s been watching the cameras like hawks. He’s still on the loose and they’re unable to pin point his location so far because he’s not stood still long enough. They’re all saying he’s the fastest zombie yet and that he seems to disappear into walls at times. That’s fucking freaky!

Coming January 2014

Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18481444-teamwork

Review: Crimson Night (Night #1) by Marie Hall

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Crimson Night (Night, #1)Crimson Night by Marie Hall



Welcome to Carnivale Diabolique ― or what I affectionately like to call the circus of the damned.

My name is Pandora, and though my face might not seem familiar to you, you do know me. I’m a Nephilim. What does that mean? I’m half demon, what’s my other name? Lust. I’m the dark craving that drives you mad, makes you want, makes you reckless and stupid. I’m the drug you’ll do anything to get your hands on. But I’m not all bad. I fight for light, for goodness and truth. I love my job, killing vampires and werewolves, zombies, and freaks… it’s what makes me happy.

But people are starting to disappear and lately I’ve felt a dark presence lurking around me. I think it might be a death priest, that’s not good. There isn’t much a demon like me fears, but I fear them. This should have been easy, me killing the fanged freaks, getting rid of my pesky priest problem, but I’m about to be betrayed by the one person I thought I could trust with my life and before the night is through I’ll be covered in crimson…


My Review

Erotic, steamy, and dark, Crimson Night is an intriguing gothic novel that is sure to capture the reader’s fancy and fantasies with memorable characters, and engaging multi-level plot. A complex character herself, Pandora is torn between her demon and her desire to hold onto her remaining bit of humanity. Each plot twist is unexpected and leaves the reader empathizing with Pandora. Deeply emotional and heart-wrenching scenes make the reader empathize with the characters. Truly, it’s an extremely engaging read that I couldn’t put down. Marie Hall is truly a remarkable author with a penchant for making amazing characters with realistic emotions that stay with the reader even after the conclusion of the book. I can’t wait for the next installment of this series.
I have been given an e-book copy by the author for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review. All conclusions are my own responsibility.

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